The SIH Foundation and the HMC Foundation would like to invite you to partner with us through an event sponsorship. We are excited to share these opportunities with you! Click on Sponsor Registration to sign up or contact Amanda Sheffer at 618-457-5200 ext. 67013 or amanda.sheffer@sih.net. Thank you for your support!
DIAMOND SPONSOR $7,500 (12 Guests)
Sponsor Recognition
VIP perks like first in buffet and access to drinks
One promotional gift option
Signature-sized logo in the program linked to your website
Major donor scroll in the online auction
Signature signage with sponsorship level displayed
E-Donor board recognition at event with individually featured logo
Pre-event website logo placement linked to your website
RUBY SPONSOR $5,000 (8 Guests)
Sponsor Recognition
VIP perks like first in buffet and access to drinks
Distinctive logo in the program linked to your website
Major donor scroll in the online auction
E-Donor board recognition at event with large logo
Pre-event website logo placement linked to your website
EMERALD SPONSOR $2,500 (6 Guests)
Sponsor Recognition
Logo in the program linked to your website
E-Donor board recognition at event with logo
Pre-event website logo linked to your website
SAPPHIRE SPONSOR $1,000 (4 Guests)
Sponsor Recognition
Name in the program linked to your website
E-Donor board recognition at event with logo
Pre-event website logo
PEARL SPONSOR $500 (2 Guests)
Sponsor Recognition
Name in the program
E-Donor board recognition by name
Additional tickets can be added to a sponsorship for an additional $100/guest.